I must confess I doubted that this day would actually come. Never in our wildest dreams did we believe that we would be missionaries. We are constantly amazed at how God can use broken and flawed people to do HIS work. He can take a past like ours and use it for his glory!! We leave tomorrow at 4 am for Nosara Costa Rica. Our plan is to stay 3 months, love on the locals and build relationships with other teams already on the ground there. God's plan might be different and we are open to what ever he has for us... for he is the potter and we are the clay!!Love requires action-The Peck's
I have decided to start blogging so i can keep everybody involved in our life adventures. We will be leaving for Costa Rica in 17 days. Oh my gosh did I just say 17 days ? That's 2 weeks and 3 days, needless to say we have lots to do! I am pretty emotional as we get closer to the take off day. I find myself real excited some moments then to sad then to scared then to the feeling of no control. As It all starts to overwhelm me I take a deep breath and remember God has never let us down and he will continue to guide us. Please pray for us as we pack and prepare for our 3 months in Nosara, Costa Rica.