Monday, November 3, 2008

authentic: genuine, real

our generation longs for something authentic. they are searching for "the real thing" though they don't really know what the "real thing" is, because this generation has endured so much "me-ism" and letdown from those they were supposed to follow and trust. they want to see a genuine faith that works for non-perfect people before they are willing to trust. (this is when we have to share how imperfect we are.) they want to know this God thing is more then just a bunch of talk.(this is when they are watching to see our actions meet up with our words) they desperately want permission to be who they are with the hope of becoming more. they aren't willing to pretend, because hypocrisy repulses them. most have yet to realize that every person is a hypocrite to some degree- the only question is whether we realize it and are honest about it.

the religious leaders of Jesus day were focused on religious rule-keeping. Jesus reserved his harshest words for these pretenders " woe to the pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone."(luke 11:42niv) the religious leaders of Jesus's day were so focused on the traditions they had formed around the heart of Gods message that they were neglecting the things most on God's heart.

Jesus is basically saying, lose the religious pretense; its destructive to the authentic faith. shed the mask of hypocrisy you hind behind. i want honest , authentic people- not hypocrites who pretend to be something they're not.

more and more i hear the cry , the cry of a generation that is tired of falseness , tired of lies and underlying agendas. as i grow in my walk with the Lord and share my faith with people i pray i can be authentic, be honost with my struggles and let down my wall even if sometimes it isn't all that pretty!

may God stretch you today!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Jesus replied, "It is written, 'You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him'" (Luke 4:8).

Jesus was in the desert to pray. He'd been fasting. He was alone and probably weak in His body. Along comes Satan to offer Him an easy way out of going to the cross. "You can gain the world by letting me give it to you. Why don't you take the easy way out?" the devil was saying. But Jesus knew that the mission wasn't just to gain the world. He knew that the real victory was to gain the world and defeat temptation, death, hell, and the grave. There was no "easy way out" of that!

Notice how Jesus answered. Each time Satan would tempt Him, Jesus responded by saying, "It is written…" Jesus fought the enemy with the Word of God. The Word of God is your weapon. When you feel the pressure of temptation, when you feel like giving in, when you think you're not going to make it, fight those negative, self-defeating thoughts by declaring the Word of God. Declare, "I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am an overcomer through Christ who strengthens me." Speak the Word, and allow Him to lead you on the path of victory!

Friday, October 31, 2008

more then conquers!

A bounce-back person sees adversity and every setback not as permanent, but temporary. It’s not going to last forever. Every difficulty that comes your way, you can be encouraged by it, knowing that you’re going to come out better than you were before. Why is that? Because it is in our DNA. God created us and intends us to walk in the same power which raised Christ from the dead, that same overcoming power and attitude that even the grave can’t keep down.

Studies prove that during a hurricane, a palm tree will simply stretch and not break from the strong winds. It’s bent and pushed over, and all the while, it’s root system is actually being strengthened and given new opportunities for growth. That is the same way we were built to be. It even says in Psalm 92:12, “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree.” That means God knew there would be difficult times in our lives, that things would come against us, trying to steal our joy, peace and victory. He’s not surprised by our difficulties, but rather knew ahead of time and equipped us with everything we need in Him! Because we have strong roots, we are going bounce right back. The storms in life will come. The winds will blow. But no weapon formed against us will prosper!

Friday, October 24, 2008

on a personal note-

We've been home for 1 and half months now and we are starting to fall back into the "American" routine. School,work,friends,bills, know the drill. We also returned to presidential debates , falling economy, no jobs and people who our feed up with the "American" way and blaming anybody but themselves! Let me just worn you before you read any further because I am going to express my opinion so be open or stop reading! I've listened and watch people get themselves in a Tessy about the situation the world is in and ask myself "Are you serious?" You have been living outside your means for years and indulging in the satisfactions of this world(including me) Do you really think that was going to work? At some point the money was going to run out, the credit line would bust and we would have to reevaluate our situation. Graciously I can say we as a family didn't completely go bonkers and spend to much out of our means. We pretty much have always been hand to mouth , believing God would provide for our needs as they arise.
My heart is sad for the ones who have saved and worked restlessly for their future and now are scared to death about their future. Future being monetarily,not salvation. Which brings me to my main opinion and point... Maybe this isn't about stocks, jobs, gas........etc. Our world is like a child who has grown up without parents,having no one to guide and direct her.Some have attempted to help her but most have simply tried to use her. Humans who have been given the task to lovingly steer the world, instead plunder her with no consideration, other than their immediate needs. And they give little thought for their own children who will inherit their lake of love. So they use her and abuse her with little consideration and then when she shudders or blows her breath, they are offended and raise their fist at God.Maybe its time the world opens its eyes and quits denying the one who created it! Maybe its time the world humbles itself and returns back to the real reason we are here- to be in a relationship with our Father,GOD! Jesus was sent here to earth to redeem the mistake that Eve made in the garden,through Jesus we can be rescued! We can live a life of love, we can live in a relationship in which you know you are loved! This is a scary time for most- and I don't say any of this disrespectfully or lightly but our Faith and Hope is in the one who will soon be back , and we will live with him for eternity!!!

Sooo..yes we will continue to journey down this road less traveled and pray God will continue to allow our family to share our hope in him with people who don't know his unfailing love and purpose he has/had for them.

Let Salvations waves crash on the shores again and the tide of God's great Love come rushing in!
Humbly in his service,
The Peck's

The Pura Vida Community Center

We have committed to a year in Nosara to help start The Pura Vida Community Center(PVCC). Along with other believers already in Nosara and people who have given financially and prayerfully the vision is starting to take physical form. The building is in the heart of Guiones(the main surf break in Nosara). PVCC will be the meeting place for many activities that will help enhance the quality of life for the locals and
tourist passing through the town. We are in the process of putting together a schedule that includes: MOPS, Art classes, Mothers Day Out program, Woman's bible study, Music lesson, Celebrate Recovery, Bilingual Church service and any Humanitarian Service the community needs. As we step out in faith and continue to seek Gods word through this season in our family's life we are totally honored and stoked to be moving for things that matter!