our generation longs for something authentic. they are searching for "the real thing" though they don't really know what the "real thing" is, because this generation has endured so much "me-ism" and letdown from those they were supposed to follow and trust. they want to see a genuine faith that works for non-perfect people before they are willing to trust. (this is when we have to share how imperfect we are.) they want to know this God thing is more then just a bunch of talk.(this is when they are watching to see our actions meet up with our words) they desperately want permission to be who they are with the hope of becoming more. they aren't willing to pretend, because hypocrisy repulses them. most have yet to realize that every person is a hypocrite to some degree- the only question is whether we realize it and are honest about it.
the religious leaders of Jesus day were focused on religious rule-keeping. Jesus reserved his harshest words for these pretenders " woe to the pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone."(luke 11:42niv) the religious leaders of Jesus's day were so focused on the traditions they had formed around the heart of Gods message that they were neglecting the things most on God's heart.
Jesus is basically saying, lose the religious pretense; its destructive to the authentic faith. shed the mask of hypocrisy you hind behind. i want honest , authentic people- not hypocrites who pretend to be something they're not.
more and more i hear the cry , the cry of a generation that is tired of falseness , tired of lies and underlying agendas. as i grow in my walk with the Lord and share my faith with people i pray i can be authentic, be honost with my struggles and let down my wall even if sometimes it isn't all that pretty!
may God stretch you today!