Monday, May 18, 2009


Originally uploaded by bpark_42
does anyone really read this?

no TV still!

Smashed TV
Originally uploaded by Grant Neufeld
we have been without tv for a while now....... LOVING IT!!!!

though when football season starts back up i think we might have to rethink...( smile!)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by robertyeoh
ive been with chris for 17 years....WHAT!! no did i just say 17 years....
WOW!! any way, as i sit and think about US i cant help but be so humbled by the fact that we have made it this far. we've been so close to the edge of hopelessness , to giving up. my love for him today is so much more then my love for him of yesteryears. maybe its maturity or maybe its learning to give the love instead of expecting it . i cant help but be overwhelmed with gratefulness to our savior Jesus Christ for redeeming us from the pit . i did'nt think i could love but im finding out daily that if i look to my father in heaven to teach me and mold me he will show me how to love, truely LOVE! so on this month of our anniversary i ask God to continue to show me how to love, truely love!!!

side note: chris and i have never celebrated an anniversary, odd i know.
we are learning , we are learning!
celebrate love!!!