Friday, October 24, 2008

on a personal note-

We've been home for 1 and half months now and we are starting to fall back into the "American" routine. School,work,friends,bills, know the drill. We also returned to presidential debates , falling economy, no jobs and people who our feed up with the "American" way and blaming anybody but themselves! Let me just worn you before you read any further because I am going to express my opinion so be open or stop reading! I've listened and watch people get themselves in a Tessy about the situation the world is in and ask myself "Are you serious?" You have been living outside your means for years and indulging in the satisfactions of this world(including me) Do you really think that was going to work? At some point the money was going to run out, the credit line would bust and we would have to reevaluate our situation. Graciously I can say we as a family didn't completely go bonkers and spend to much out of our means. We pretty much have always been hand to mouth , believing God would provide for our needs as they arise.
My heart is sad for the ones who have saved and worked restlessly for their future and now are scared to death about their future. Future being monetarily,not salvation. Which brings me to my main opinion and point... Maybe this isn't about stocks, jobs, gas........etc. Our world is like a child who has grown up without parents,having no one to guide and direct her.Some have attempted to help her but most have simply tried to use her. Humans who have been given the task to lovingly steer the world, instead plunder her with no consideration, other than their immediate needs. And they give little thought for their own children who will inherit their lake of love. So they use her and abuse her with little consideration and then when she shudders or blows her breath, they are offended and raise their fist at God.Maybe its time the world opens its eyes and quits denying the one who created it! Maybe its time the world humbles itself and returns back to the real reason we are here- to be in a relationship with our Father,GOD! Jesus was sent here to earth to redeem the mistake that Eve made in the garden,through Jesus we can be rescued! We can live a life of love, we can live in a relationship in which you know you are loved! This is a scary time for most- and I don't say any of this disrespectfully or lightly but our Faith and Hope is in the one who will soon be back , and we will live with him for eternity!!!

Sooo..yes we will continue to journey down this road less traveled and pray God will continue to allow our family to share our hope in him with people who don't know his unfailing love and purpose he has/had for them.

Let Salvations waves crash on the shores again and the tide of God's great Love come rushing in!
Humbly in his service,
The Peck's

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